We’ve been recited this moral time and time again:
Slow and steady wins the race.
Yet, when it comes to weight loss, we remain pretty stubborn.
Of course it’s understandable. We all would like to reach our goals as fast as possible, but it’s important to know that cutting corners comes at a price.
There are so many gimmicks out there, it’s important for you to know why losing weight quickly (upwards of the typically recommended 1-2 lbs per week) actually causes you harm.
And, with spring approaching (I know it’s technically spring, but I say approaching because I’m still wearing mittens) I want to stop you in your tracks before you attempt any drastic diets come summertime.
In today’s video, I discuss 5 ways fast weight loss is actually detrimental and why it primes you to gain the weight back. My hope is that I can sway some of you over to the #slowandsteady side of things…Enjoy!
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Finally, I want to hear from you.
When it comes to weight loss, do you prefer it to be fast or do you want it to last?
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