How did you spend your Earth Day? I attended a seminar on plant-based eating which unintentionally coincided with the Earth Day walk here in the city. This entire week really got me thinking about what I was doing to contribute, or whether I was contributing at all. I’ve definitely made a conscious effort in the past few years to green my diet and my practices, but there’s definitely still room for progress.
When I ask myself what more I can do, I know that beyond my personal choices, my job as a nutritionist gives me the best opportunity to contribute. I counsel people every day on their eating habits and their food choices. So it only makes sense to use this as a platform and go beyond the way food affects our health, but how it affects the health of our planet, too. So in today’s video, I introduce the concept of being a greener eater and discuss some small green shifts that have significant impacts.
But since I really only scratch the surface, I’m leaving you with some great links below, just in case you want to take it a step further. Enjoy !
Earth week articles from around the web and resources
- Over on Foodtrainers: Practical tips for cutting down on household waste The best things come in no packages
- Over on Desiree Nielsen’s blog: her thoughts on What it means to eat sustainably
- For local and sustainable food and dining in Canada check out
- For eating locally in Montreal or around Quebec:
- For eating locally in the US:
- Seasonal produce guide from Foodland Ontario
- For making small changes towards greener living: Practically
Good green reads:
- Livestock’s long shadow- Environmental Issues and Options. Food and Agriculture Organization. 2006
- Slow Food Nation by Carlo Petrini
- Food Matters by Mark Bittman
- The Conscious Kitchen by Alexandra Zissu
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