Motivation, as you may have guessed, is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. Lack of motivation is something that we’ve all struggled with at some point in time and it can be extremely frustrating to watch days go by and feel as though your goal is slipping away.
So today’s video is all about how to get motivated now.
But first, motivation can mean two things.
1. It can be the reason a person has for acting or behaving in a particular way.
2. It can be the general willingness of someone to want to do something.
Now, I’ve talked about that first definition before and all about how to get clear on your WHY, in a previous post. So today’s focus will be on the second definition. Let’s try to enhance that willingness of yours (or lack thereof…) and fire-up that get-up-and-go attitude! Here’s a preview of today’s video, with 5 ways to get motivated, now.
1. Give yourself a challenge
2. Try something new
3. Reward yourself (without food)
4. Get support
5. Hire an expert
Happy viewing and healthy eating!
PS: Free tonight? Be sure to stop by twitter tonight at 8pm EST where I will be joining Sarah Stanley for #wellnesschat all about #bonehealth.
What do you do to get motivated? Will you be signing up to a race this fall? Or try a cooking class?Ever thought of hiring your own personal motivator?
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