Welcome to our new digs!
Come on in, make yourself at home and take a look around.
Last week, MotiveNutrition.com turned three. Three! I know, I know, they grow up too fast, don’t they?
This year, all she wanted for her birthday was a makeover. So today, I present you with Motive Nutrition’s new space with a fresh new face, just in time for spring (big thanks to Natalia over at website superhero for working her magic).
Hard to believe that what started out as a simple blog to acquaint myself with the digital world during my graduate studies has grown into a wellness-centerered, purpose-fueled and passion-filled business. And in the next few months:
I’m thrilled to announce that doors to my 12 week, online group coaching program The Love Your Lifestyle Plan are opening. (Click here to get notified!)
Motive Nutrition will be growing its counselling services with a second office location in downtown Montreal.
And YES – a 2nd season of Balanced Bowls is in the works!
With so much exciting growth and change, a Motive Nutrition makeover to match was long overdue. I hope that YOU, dear reader, who has inspired so much of this growth and change are inspired by this new space and more motivated than ever to lead your healthiest life, eat well, celebrate your body and live to the fullest.
Let’s take a tour, shall we?
STAY IN-THE-LOOP SLIDER with Motive Nutrition news, events and new products. Bonus: Book an appointment for our Montreal or Virtual clinic at your convenience.
CATCH-UP on our latest blog posts, browse through different categories and read through the new Motive Mantras section, where you will find healthy inspiration you can share.
Belinda Thornhill says
Vanessa, beautiful website. Very engaging. Congratulations!